Sunday, June 7, 2009

Kaden Addington Fife

Our Little Miracle was born
June 5, 2009 at 2:17pm
1lb. 14 oz and 13 inches long

After spending 2 weeks and 2 days in both Gateway and Banner Desert hospital fighting to stay pregnant Kaden decided he didn't want to wait any longer.  It all happened so fast.  There is so much to explain and understand.  When he was born the NICU Dr's were right there ready for him.  They immediately incubated him wrapped him up and let me hold him for 2 secs and I gave him a kiss on his tiny hand.  They rushed him up to the NICU and off with Rusty he went.  

I was discharged from the hospital today.  I have lots of emotions running through me and appreciate all the love and prayers of those around me.  He will need your prayers and we will to so we can all get through this time.  We need the extra strength.  We have been so blessed already and will strive to continue to have faith.  Kaden is in our Lord's watchful care and for that I am most grateful.  I will post pictures and continue to update his progress.  I have a lot to learn.  Rusty and I have both had chances to take his tempurature and change his tiny diaper.  His diaper even says Pampers!  I have found a poem that kind of expresses some of the emotions running through me that I thought I would share.

As I Love you Through the Glass
by Elena Murphy

As I love you through the glass
a tiny hand sweeps across the blanket
reaching out to me.
You lie there in the stillness
of your slumber clinging to life;
I reach inside to touch you
and you stir slightly;
I feel a tiny breath like a feather
caress my fingers
as I love you through the glass.
One eye opens
easily staring into mine;
Can you see me?
Can you feel my presence
as I love you through the glass.
I ache to hold you;
I await the moment
when you peacefully rest in my loving arms
A silent tear rolls down my face;
I slowly turn to walk away 
only to glance back one more time
as I love you through the glass.


  1. Oh Jacquie, you sweet little thing! My heart can only imagine what your going through and all the emotions you are feeling. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you! Everythiing will work out just the way the Lord wants it to. Know I love you or a wonderful example to me!
    Take Care,

  2. Hi Jac. I just want you to know I have been keeping you all in my prayers and I think about you all the time. Your mom keeps me updated pretty well. I can't even imagine all of your emotions, I wish I could be there to bring you dinner our help out more in some way. I love you and I think you are already the strongest most amazing mother ever.

  3. Jacquie you little dear! How much to go through. I have been keeping you guys in my prayers and I think you did so great! Do you still want your hair done? Let me come to you and do it anything you need, please. I want to help in anyway I can. I can't wait to see pictures of your sweet baby boy.

  4. Hey Jacquie,
    I just feel so sad for you right now!!! Krew was born about two months early and had to spend a couple weeks in the hospital. It was honestly the hardest thing I ever had to go through. I felt so help less not being able to do anything for my son, let alone hold him. So I kind of know some of the feelings you are going through. Please please let me know if there is anything I can do for you or if you just ever want to talk. You'll be in our prayers. My number is (480)2978857
    -Ashli Ashcroft-Wright

  5. I just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in our prayers. We even put your name in the temple and fasted for you! I can't imagine going through everything you have been through, but you seem so strong!!

  6. please keep us updated.

    i'm so glad you are doing well. i can't believe he is already here. and so tiny. what a strong boy. i have so much faith that he will continue to grown strong and healthy.

    you guys will continue to be in our prayers!

  7. Hey there,
    We have been praying for you and baby kaden. Even my 4 year old is praying for a tiny baby that is somehow related to jo jo..
    good luck with everything.

  8. DaVe saId hE gOt tO sEE yOu aT thE hOspItaL lAst WeEkenD. ANd I HaVe bEEn tHinKinG aBouT yOu LotS! i Am gLaD tO hEar yOu aRe dOinG weLL. iT's AmaziNg HoW mUcH wE gO tHrOugH aS MotHeRs to GEt OuR lIttLe oNes hErE sAfe aNd SoUnD. YOu aRe a ToUgH CoOkiE, anD I HoPe KaDeN CaN tOugH oUt tHeSe nExt FeW wEEks sO yOu CaN eNjOy bEinG a MotHer aT hOme. I wiLL tELL yOu fRoM eXperIenCe, tHerE is NotHing bEttEr thAn fInaLLy brInginG hIm home!

  9. Oh Jacquie, I am so very touched by the photos and just heartbroken that I don't get to meet your little man til he's much bigger!! I'm sending hugs through the airwaves my dear!!!!
    Love, Auntie Michele, the fave

  10. jacquie he is SO beautiful! i'm so happy for you and rusty! i hope he continues to do well and please keep us all posted. love you!

  11. jacquie i havent stopped thinking about you and kaden. my prayers are with you. i know heavenly father is with you.i know how it is having a baby in the nicu. it is one hard road but i know everything will work out. you and rusty are so strong. just want you to know that im thinking of ya

  12. Ever need a shoulder to cry on who really understands this crazy roller coaster? Call me. Any time. Even though Heidi's eighteen, I still remember all the scary crazy up-and-down days of the NICU. 1 12 was her birth weight, so I really get it. 65 days in the NICU, I really get it. Vents, sat monitors, IVs nasal gavage. I get it.
    What it's like for you I don't know, but I always wished I had someone there who had already successfully weathered the storm. I'd love to come see him. Let me know if I can.
    My prayers are with you.
    And your fighter.

  13. your in our prayers. Your little man is just so darn cute!

  14. Praying for you and your little one, Jacquie. I hope for the best. May you feel peace.

    Julia (Toone) Manning

  15. congrats jackie on marriage, and baby!! your boy is adorable. i hope all is well. i found your blog through amy's. it's been a long time girlfriend. you are so stinkin' cute! we'll have to catch up sometime -- (obviously, when your babe gets better). love ya.

    Jenn (Marx) Shields

  16. It was so good to see you two while we were in AZ. I hope everything is going well. Get some sleep while you can. When he comes home you will be checking on him all the time and won't get much. Can't wait to see more pictures!!
