Friday, November 5, 2010


28 weeks!!!

I have not been good posting lately.  Here is what has been going on in my world.  I am feeling really good.  I feel so good that I have made it this far!! I feel better each week that goes by.  I feel Mr. Karter moving like a crazy boy in me.  I love watching my stomach dance.  He moves so much sometimes it makes my tummy jiggle!!  Aside from everyone talking about how huge I am I love this!!  I took the glucose test and I have to take the 3 hour test but hopefully I'll pass it.  

We are hoping to move in our new house next week.  We are excited about it.  

This time of year brings me lots of happy memories and yet it is so bitter sweet.  Kaden spent last year in our home.  I was playing part in his care.  I LOVED every single second of it.  Never once complained about the difficulties of serving him.  He was such a happy content baby.  He hated only a few things: changing his NG tube, oxygen tubing and going poop! I love him and miss him dearly.  I can't believe it has almost been a year since we last held him in our arms.  It hurts to the core and yet allows me to know I can do hard things although I'd rather not...

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